HomeMy WebLinkAbout29. 20-255 REVISED JUNE 9, 2020 20-255 ORDINANCE FIRST READING (CARRIED 7-0 LOST LAID OVER WITHDRAWN ) AS AMENDED PURPOSE: CREATE DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION COMMITTEE INITIATED BY: MAYOR LORI PALMERI/PAST AND PRESENT COMMON COUNCIL A GENERAL ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OSHKOSH ENACTED FOR THE PURPOSE OF CREATING SECTION 2-41 DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION COMMITTEE FOR THE CITY OF OSHKOSH WHEREAS, the City of Oshkosh's population increased from 62,916 in 2000 to 66,083 in 2010, and to 66,582 in 2015, for a total increase of 5.8%; and WHEREAS, based on 2010 Census data, the second most common race identified in the City of Oshkosh in 2010 was Asian alone with 2,113 residents, or 3.2% of the population, and 2015 projections in the City of Oshkosh Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing identified Black or African American as the second most common race, with 2,304 residents comprising 3.5% of the population; and WHEREAS,in Winnebago County, census data shows that 89.3%of the population is White, while the school aged population ranges from 77%-82% White, reflecting a changing demographic in which the non-White population is becoming an increasing share of our population and will continue to increase as the school age population becomes adults; and WHEREAS, the Oshkosh Area School District reports over 50 languages spoken in the district; and WHEREAS, in May 2018, the Wisconsin Public Health Association passed a resolution declaring that racism is a public health crisis in Wisconsin; and JUNE 9, 2020 20-255 ORDINANCE FIRST READING CONT'D WHEREAS, the City of Oshkosh Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice in both 2013 and 2019 identified impediments that have a basis in issues such as race, ethnicity, and disability, and WHEREAS, executive leadership of the Oshkosh Area Community Foundation, Oshkosh Area School District, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, and the City of Oshkosh had identified talent attraction and retention as one of the common goals within their respective strategic plans, as well as in the plans of other businesses and organizations within the Oshkosh area, and agreed that diversity and inclusion initiatives were one of the key strategies in attracting and retaining a talented workforce; and WHEREAS, as part of a 2016 Council goal of conducting a study of Diversity and Inclusion, one of the options identified in the study was the creation of a Diversity and Inclusion Committee; and WHEREAS, following a 2017 study of Boards and Commissions, Council directed staff to develop draft language for the creation of a Diversity and Inclusion Committee after the other elements of the 2017 study recommendations were implemented to reduce the number of boards, commissions, and committees; and WHEREAS, in the City of Oshkosh 2019 Annual Citizen Survey, only 42% of respondents identified Oshkosh as "a Welcoming, Inclusive Community," and WHEREAS, the City of Oshkosh Strategic Plan includes Guiding Principles, including, "Responsive: Respond to citizens' requests equitably and fairly in a timely, informative and thorough manner," and "Equitable: Strive to achieve equity in the allocation of community resources," and WHEREAS, the City of Oshkosh Strategic Plan has a goal to "Enhance the Effectiveness of Our City Government," with a specific strategy to "Strengthen Partnerships and Collaboration in Diverse Community Groups"; and WHEREAS, the City of Oshkosh wants to be proactive in addressing issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of the City of Oshkosh, Wisconsin: JUNE 9, 2020 20-255 ORDINANCE FIRST READING CONT'D SECTION 1. That Section 2-41 of the City of Oshkosh Municipal Code is hereby created to read as follows: SECTION 2-41 DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION COMMITTEE (A) Membership and Terms The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee shall consist of nine (9) members. Due consideration shall be given to ensuring membership reflects the gender, racial, LGBTQ, and ethnic characteristics of the Oshkosh community. Terms of members shall initially be three (3) members serving staggered one (1), two (2), and three (3) year terms, and thereafter for three (3) years. Up to two (2) members of the committee may be non-residents of the City of Oshkosh, in order to achieve greater diversity on the committee and to offer additional perspective to the committee's work. One (1) Council member may serve as a liaison in an ex-officio capacity, with no voting rights and shall not count towards a quorum. The Director of Administrative Services or their designee shall serve as coordinator and recording secretary for the Committee. (B) Responsibility The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee shall act as an advisory body to the City Manager and Common Council in providing comment and support regarding appropriate strategies to develop activities, resources, and services that promote a positive community environment of equity and inclusion, and celebrate the diverse identities of the City of Oshkosh. (C) Support The City of Oshkosh shall provide annual membership in and resources from the Government Alliance on Race and Equity and/or other comparable organizations. {�}(D) Duties (1) Serve as a resource, recommend goals, and advise the City Manager and Common Council on existing and / or proposed city ordinances, program development and actions, as well as best practices for health, housing and economic mobility, to promote community equity and inclusion for all who live, work, and learn in a diverse Oshkosh. JUNE 9, 2020 20-255 ORDINANCE FIRST READING CONT'D (2) Facilitate input from all geographic areas of Oshkosh, a broad spectrum of residents, business leaders, students, and employees from diverse circumstances, to advance the benefits of community diversity, equity, and inclusion. (3) To educate the public about diversity, equity, and inclusion. The committee will implement a public education plan, and actively plan, sponsor, and participate in events that promote and celebrate diversity. FeSOOFEes fieEes sate aEl4eve said geals, / equity and iHE1t1SiE)R fef / housing a0d eE62 mobility that ____ ___J ___^J' E61ar__-err o' __ the--Committee t6 tl42—City N4anagef d (4) Within one (1) year of creation, report to the City Manager and Common Council on goals of the committee and identify (a) 5 — 7 equity performance measures for each city department developed by each department, and approved by the Committee (b) additional resources necessary to achieve said goals, (c) information relative to community diversity, equity and inclusion to share with the general public and underserved populations, and (d) best practices of community diversity, equity and inclusion for health, housing and economic mobility that the city may consider adopting. Thereafter, the Committee shall annually report to the City Manager and Common Council on specific progress on, and future goals tied to, department-level equity performance metrics. Progress on all performances metrics shall be reported in the annual city budget as part of the regular budget process and be maintained on a dedicated city website. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after passage and publication. JUNE 9, 2020 20-255 ORDINANCE FIRST READING CONT'D SECTION 3. Publication Notice Please take notice that the City of Oshkosh enacted ordinance #20-255 CREATE DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION COMMITTEE (A GENERAL ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OSHKOSH ENACTED FOR THE PURPOSE OF CREATING SECTION 2-41 DIVERSITY,EQUITY AND INCLUSION COMMITTEE FOR THE CITY OF OSHKOSH)on June 9,2020. The ordinance creates a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee in the City of Oshkosh for the purposes of serving as a resource, recommending goals, and advising the City Manager and Common Council; advancing the benefits of community diversity, equity, and inclusion; and educating the public about diversity, equity, and inclusion. The full text of the ordinance may be obtained at the Office of the City Clerk, 215 Church Avenue and through the City's website at www.ci.oshkosh.wi.us. Clerk's phone: 920/236-5011. Bold &Italics indicates amendments