Effective Date: November 17, 2020 Date Issued: November 17, 2020
Chief of Police: Dean Smith Date Signed: November 17, 2020
(signature on file)
Statutory References: 66.0139, 165.81, 961.55, 968.20, 973.075
City of Oshkosh Ordinance 12-17
CALEA Standard: 4.3.1; 17.5.1; 17.5.2; 82.2.1; 83.2.1; 83.2.2; 83.2.5; 83.3.1; 84.1.1;
84.1.2; 84.1.3; 84.1.4; 84.1.5; 84.1.6; 84.1.7
Final Review Completed: November 17, 2020
Review By: PSD Lieutenant/ Command Staff
Rescinds Policy Dated: December 6, 2019
142.01 General Policy
142.02 Purpose
142.03 Definitions
142.04 Responsibilities
142.05 Procedures
142.06 Chain of Custody
142.07 Storage of Property/Evidence/Contraband
142.08 Records of Property
142.09 Inspection
142.10 Disposal
142.11 Agency Owned Property
142.12 Prescription Drug Sox
Appendix A Log in Form for Approved Storage Areas
Appendix B Property Conversion Form
Appendix C Return of Seized Property Form Letter
Appendix D Non-Evidence Property Return Notification
Appendix E Log Form for Temporary Lockers
Appendix F Found Property Claim Form
Appendix G Found Property Posting
142.01 POLICY
A property management system provides for the inventory, management, control and
disposition of all items held by the Department. For the Oshkosh Police Department this
includes property owned or used by the agency and property in the custody of the agency
such as found, recovered or evidentiary property.
142.02 PURPOSE
This policy establishes accountability and methods for handling property which is owned by
the Oshkosh Police Department and that which is acquired as a result of the police function.
A. Abandoned Property: Personal property left by an owner who intentionally
relinquishes all rights to its control.
B. Agency Owned Property: Any physical property acquired by the agency to support its
mission. For the purposes of formal inventory, this includes items having a dollar
value of$500.00 or more and all firearms.
C. Contraband: Any item which cannot be legally possessed by the person from whom it
was seized.
D. Evidence: Physical property that is related to a crime or possible crime, which may
establish guilt or innocence.
E. Evidence Control Center: The secure storage areas of the Oshkosh Police Department
used for storing evidence and found property.
F. File On Q: software used to track all items that are submitted to the Evidence Control
Center such as evidence or found property.
G. Found Property: Physical property that is recovered by police personnel or another
citizen and has no apparent evidentiary value.
H. Full Evidence Seal - A method of packaging evidence which meets the guidelines
published in the Wisconsin Department of Justice Criminal Investigation and Phxsical
Evidence Handbook for submission to the Wisconsin State Crime Lab.
I. Property Clerk - (Evidence Clerk) The Departmental position with the assigned
responsibility for day to day management of evidence and found property.
J. Property Manager - The Departmental position with assigned responsibility for
management of agency owned property. This responsibility is assigned to each
Bureau Captain under whose control the property is assigned.
A. The Office Manager, Fleet and Equipment Coordinator, and Professional
Standards Sergeant shall be responsible for the acquisition and inventory of
Department owned property. The Office Manager will coordinate a formal
inventory for property having a value of$500.00 or more and firearms.
B. Bureau Captains are to ensure said property assigned to their bureau is
maintained and in a proper state of readiness.
C. Inventory of firearms and TASERs is assigned to the Training Sergeant.
D. The Office Administration Manager/Analyst shall oversee the inventory,
management, control, and disposition of evidence, contraband and property.
1. The Office Administration Manager/Analyst will assist the Property Clerks
when appropriate, and perform his/her duties when necessary.
2. The Office Administration Manager/Analyst is responsible for designating
and controlling all Evidence and Property Receiving and Storage Areas.
E. Personnel of the police department will handle all property in accordance with
written and established procedures, after which it will be the responsibility of the
Property Clerks.
F. The Property Clerks are under the direction of the Office Administration
Manager/Analyst and shall be accountable for control of all evidence, contraband
and found property.
1. The Property Clerks shall be responsible for maintaining the evidentiary
value and integrity of all evidence and property that comes into
Department custody.
2. The Property Clerks shall be responsible for requests for Crime Lab analysis
of evidence and shall assist officers in submitting evidence.
a. Items submitted to a crime lab will be packaged and labeled in
accordance with the Wisconsin Physical Evidence Handbook.
b. The Department shall use the accredited Wisconsin Department of
Justice Division of Forensic Sciences Crime Laboratories for analysis
of evidence submissions.
C. Evidence should be submitted in a timely manner upon proper
notification from prosecutors. Any delay in the submission of
perishable evidence must be documented.
d. The Property Clerks or assigned detective/investigator will ensure
that an investigative report and Evidence Transmittal form is
provided to the Crime Lab for any requested analysis. A copy of the
transmittal form will be placed in the report record file.
e. The Property Clerks or assigned detective/investigator will also
ensure that a copy of the Crime Lab's written report of analysis is
provided and filed with the report.
A. Found Property
1. Any Officer or Community Service Officer coming into possession of found
property shall exhaust all options to return that property to its rightful
owner. If the owner cannot be determined, or contact cannot be made with
the owner, the property shall be brought to the Department and secured
following the guidelines to be used for evidence.
2. If the property is of no apparent value (less than $25) and there is little
chance of returning the property to its rightful owner, the property may be
destroyed after being retained for 30 days. The destruction will be done by
the Property Clerks and shall be documented in the Department specified
evidence control software system.
3. Found property that the owner agrees to retrieve may not be left at the
Customer Service Desk by officers. It may only be left at the Customer
Service Desk by the Property Clerks after it has been received and entered
into the File On Q system and after a specific time has been appointed for
the owner to pick it up.
4. If a citizen finding property wishes to maintain possession of the property
until the owner claims the property, the finder shall be provided the Found
Property Claim Form (Appendix F). The finder shall complete and sign the
Property Claim Form. The Property Clerks shall maintain the original
form, and the finder shall be provided a copy. Additionally:
a. If the value of the money or goods is $25.00 or more but
less than$100.00, the finder shall:
i. Within five days of finding money or goods, give
written notice of the found money or goods to the
police department.
ii. The finder must not know the owner.
iii. The police department shall post a notice of the
found money or goods in two public places.
iv. The citizen shall retain the money or goods for 90
days after the notice to the police department. After
the 90 days, the money or goods become property
of the finder.
V. If within the 90-day period, the owner of the
property appears at the police department and
provides the appropriate claim to the money or
goods, the finder shall provide the money or goods
to the proper owner. The owner may need to pay a
reasonable finder's fee to the finder and any costs or
vi. If the property owner is identified, the police
department will contact the finder and require the
money or goods to be delivered to the department.
The property or money will then be returned to the
proper owner. The police department will not assist
the finder or owner in the recovery costs or fees.
b. If the value of the money or goods is $100.00 or more, the
finder shall:
i. Within 15 days of the finding the money or goods,
give written notice to the police department.
ii. The finder shall cause a "class 2" notice as required
by chapter 985 of WI statutes.
iii. Within two months after finding the property and
before using the property, the finder shall obtain an
appraisal of the goods for the police department.
The appraisal shall become a part of the police
department's case file.
iv. The finder must not know the owner.
V. The citizen shall retain the money or goods for 90
days after the notice to the police department. After
the 90 days, the money or goods become property
of the finder.
vi. If within the 90-day period, the owner of the
property appears at the police department and
provides the appropriate claim to the money or
goods, the finder shall provide the money or goods
to the proper owner. The owner may need to pay a
reasonable finder's fee to the finder and any costs or
vii. If the property owner is identified, the police
department will contact the finder and require the
money or goods to be delivered to the department.
The property or money will then be returned to the
proper owner. The police department will not assist
the finder or owner in the recovery costs or fees.
5. If$25 or more or any goods having a value of at least$25 are found by a citizen
who does not wish to claim the property or by an official, employee or agent of
the state or of a county, city, village or town acting in their official capacity that
currency or property will be seized as found property and secured following
the guidelines to be used for evidence.
a. The Department shall post notice of the found currency or goods in two
public places in the City of Oshkosh for a period of 90 days. If after 90
days no owner comes forward the property can be disposed of following
the disposal procedures outlined in 142.10.
B. Property Submitted for Safekeeping
1. Any officer submitting property for safekeeping, including prisoner
property not accepted by the jail, shall provide the owner with the Non-
Evidence Property Return Notification Form (OPD Appendix D 142) and
advise the owner to contact the Property Clerk within thirty days to claim
the property or else it will be subject to destruction. A copy of the
completed form shall be forwarded to the Property Clerk.
C. Contraband
1. All contraband coming into the possession of members of the Department
shall be brought to the Department and secured using the guidelines
established for evidence.
2. The exception is tobacco and alcoholic beverages seized from an underage
person. Tobacco and alcoholic beverages may be immediately destroyed by
the investigating officer with approval of his/her shift supervisor. A
photograph and/or sample of the items may be retained as evidence, if an
arrest is made. Such destruction, and supervisory approval, shall be
documented in the officer's report.
D. DNA Evidence
1. Special consideration should be given to the collection, storage and
transportation of DNA evidence. Refer to Policy 213 Crime Scene
Investigations and the Wisconsin Department of Justice Criminal
Investigation and Physical Evidence Handbook for specific procedures.
E. Turned in firearms
1. The Oshkosh Police Department will accept firearms that citizens may wish
to turn in.
2. When a citizen requests to turn in a firearm a call for service shall be
entered and an officer assigned to the call.
3. The Officer shall check to ensure the firearm is not loaded and follow the
procedures outlined in the Physical Evidence Handbook and Property and
Evidence Manual located in the Evidence Packaging Lab.
4. The accepting officer shall have the firearm queried the through NCIC/CIS
and complete a police report.
5. The Property Clerks will hold the firearm for 12 months, at which time the
firearm will be re-checked through NCIC/CIS. If the firearm does not have
any NCIC/CIS hits the Property Clerks will begin the process of having the
firearm destroyed.
F. Abandoned Medications at Hospitals
1. The hospitals cannot legally store medications brought in with a patient or
take into their possession any medications after a patient leaves the facility
or passes away. Hospital staff will attempt to return the medications to the
family of the patient. If the family will not accept the items, the hospital
staff will call the Oshkosh Police Department.
2. The Telecommunications Clerk receiving the phone call will enter a call for
service and classify it as "drugs" and an officer will pick up the abandoned
3. Hospital staff will complete their in house documentation and have the
officer sign it on the appropriate line. Hospital staff will make a copy of the
form and provide the copy to the officer.
4. The officer will take possession of the medication and submit it into OPD
property with the copy of any provided documentation. The medication
should be labeled for destruction.
G. Collection of electronic equipment and other devices capable of storing data in an
electronic format
1. At the time of the seizure of any electronic equipment or devices, officers
shall photograph anything displayed that is pertinent to the investigation
without manipulating the electronic equipment or device.
2. Any devices which operate with the use of a cellular signal shall be placed
in airplane mode when possible and left powered on. If the device cannot
be placed in airplane mode it shall be powered off.
3. Any electronic equipment not operating with the use of a cellular signal
shall be powered off.
4. The officer seizing the equipment should attempt to obtain any passwords
to the equipment being seized and a CID supervisor shall be notified of the
H. Other Evidence/Property
1. All other evidence and property, including electronic equipment, shall be
packaged and labeled in accordance with the Wisconsin Department of
Justice Criminal Investigation and Physical Evidence Handbook
2. Drugs, firearms, cash and jewelry must be packaged separate from other
items and stored according to this policy.
A. All items shall remain in the recovering officer's possession until they are secured
in the Evidence Receiving Area or other Approved Storage Area. In rare situations
where the recovering officer is unable to personally submit the item, the
recovering officer may transfer the item to another officer in the field. This transfer
must be documented in the police report.
B. Items shall be entered in the File On Q system and submitted into an Evidence
Receiving Area or other Approved Storage Area prior to the officer completing
his/her tour of duty.
C. At no time shall found property, evidence or contraband be stored in an officer's
personal desk, locker or other area not authorized to receive evidence or found
D. Temporary Lockers
1. Exceptional circumstances may justify a delay in submitting property. This
delay must be approved by a supervisor.
a. In such cases, the property will be secured in an approved temporary
locker or designated area.
b. The officer shall sign out and obtain a key and lock from a supervisor.
c. The officer shall secure the property in the temporary locker or other
approved storage area and complete an entry on the Log Form for
Temporary Lockers (Appendix 142 E). The use of the locker will also be
documented in the narrative of the officer's report.
d. The temporary locker key shall be placed in a safe with a programmable
code located in the Evidence Packaging Lab. The code to the safe will be
changed for each use and the officer should follow the instructions
located near the safes when selecting a code.
e. The officer shall use the code to retrieve the key to the temporary lock in
order to package the property and enter the information into the
FileOnQ system. The temporary lock and key shall be returned to a
supervisor and signed back in.
2. Investigators who are processing evidence, or need the evidence for
investigative purposes, may secure the evidence in an approved temporary
locker by following steps a-e above. Investigators possessing evidence
under this section shall ensure timely entry into the File On Q system and
they shall return the evidence to the Evidence Receiving Area or other
Approved Storage Area in as soon as they are finished examining it.
3. Property Clerks are authorized to use temporary storage lockers to
return refused items to officers for repackaging or to transfer evidence to
officers for court.
a. The Property Clerk shall make appropriate entries in the property
management system.
b. The key and lock for the temporary storage locker will be obtained
from the shift commander and signed out to the officer receiving
evidence from the Property Clerk. The key shall be placed in one of the
safes that has a programmable code. The code to the safe will be
changed for each use and the Property Clerk shall email the code to the
c. Evidence/property refused where repackaging is required shall
be completed during the officers next work day. Evidence
needed for court shall be returned the same day the court
proceedings are completed.
i. If the court keeps the evidence the Property Clerks will
be advised of this by email.
d. As soon as the officer is finished with the evidence (repackaged
properly or no longer needed for court), the officer shall return the
item(s) to the Evidence Receiving area.
i. The officer shall return the lock and key for evidence/property
obtained from the Property Clerk to the shift commander to be
signed back in.
A. All found property, contraband, and evidence stored by the Department shall be
kept in approved Evidence Storage Areas. The areas approved for this purpose are
the two Primary Evidence Rooms in the lower level of the Oshkosh Police
Department and the Overflow Evidence Rooms in the upper level of the Oshkosh
Police Department. These areas will be kept secure and access restricted to the
Property Clerks, Office Administration Manager/Analyst and approved designees
or personnel in their company.
B. All persons entering the approved secure property storage areas must sign a log
indicating their presence in the area including name, date and time in, date and
time out, reason for being in the property storage area and any associated report
number relating to specific property items (Appendix 142 A). The Property Clerks
and the Office Administration Manager/Analyst are the only exception to this
C. Other approved storage areas may be designated by the Office Administration
Manager/Analyst and include the secure cages insid
D. Impounded vehicles will be kept inside the fence at and
processed according to Policy 206 Towing, Placarding, and Impounding Vehicles.
E. Items in storage will be tracked using the report number.
F. Refrigerators are provided for the reception of perishable items.
1. Only evidentiary items will be stored in the refrigerator.
2. The refrigerators must be locked using the locking system on the
refrigerator when items are placed inside.
3. If additional property or evidence needs to be refrigerated and the
refrigerators are locked, Officers shall contact the shift supervisor who will
contact the Office Administration Manager/Analyst or designated Property
Clerks for placement of the item in an alternate approved storage area.
G. Drying lockers are provided to air-dry wet items before submitting them into
property storage.
1. Officers will enter the item into File On Q at the time the item is placed in
the drying locker. The barcode label will be kept by the Officer until the
item is removed from the drying locker.
2. The submitting officer shall place the drying locker key in a safe with a code
in the Evidence Packaging Lab as instructed in 142.06 D Temporary
Lockers, during the time the drying locker is in use.
3. The submitting officer shall then remove the dried property so it can be
packaged and submitted into a receiving locker.
4. A drying cabinet is also provided for the purpose of drying wet items
before submitting them into property storage. Instructions for its use are
posted on the side of the cabinet.
H. Bicycles that are not evidence may be stored at
I. Drugs that are controlled substances, firearms, money, precious metals and
gemstones will be stored in separate locked receptacles or areas within the
Evidence Storage Area.
J. Room Seals
a. In the event an entire room is needed to temporarily store evidence due to
size, the need to be dried or requiring any other special handling
considerations the evidence processing lab (Room 118) or another room
designated by a supervisor.
A. Upon receipt of the property, evidence, or contraband, the Property Clerks shall:
1. Ensure that all property listed on the File On Q entry for that incident is in
fact present. Containers that are properly sealed as evidence, and the
contents cannot be viewed, shall be assumed to contain the item(s) listed.
2. Assign the item(s) to a storage location.
3. Make appropriate entries in the File On Q system to indicate receipt of the
item(s), and their location.
4. Property may be removed from secure storage and temporarily released to
an officer for evidentiary processing or production in court.
5. The Property Clerks shall document in the File On Q system all changes in
custody or location of item(s).
6. The Property Clerks shall be notified if an item is removed from secure
storage and not returned by the end of the business day, such as when kept
by the court. The officer shall notify the Property Clerks in writing when
the property is not returned the same day. The Property Clerks shall check
quarterly to ensure all outstanding property is accounted for.
7. Upon final disposition of any property, evidence or contraband, the
Property Clerks shall forward the final copy of the Property Form to the
Records Section to be retained according to the Department's records
retention schedule.
8. The Property Clerks are to ensure that all storage facilities are secure at all
times. Unauthorized personnel will not be allowed access to the evidence
storage area.
A. The results of all inspections will be included in a detailed report and submitted to
the Chief of Police and the Operations Bureau Captain.
B. At the direction of the Chief of Police, a sworn supervisor from either the
Administrative Bureau or the Operations Bureau will perform an unannounced
inspection of the property storage area of the Oshkosh Police Department. This
unannounced inspection will be assigned and performed annually. The appointed
inspector will:
1. Select a random sample of items to compare with property records to check
for accuracy. The size of this sample shall be at least 100 items.
2. Compare the results of the inspection with the records maintained by the
Property Clerks in File On Q.
3. Ensure that items noted are in the custody of the Department.
4. Report the findings of the inspection to the Chief of Police and the
Operations Bureau Captain.
C. At the Chief s discretion, an annual inventory of property may be conducted even
though no changes to the Property Clerk personnel have occurred.
1. This inventory will be completed by a Property Clerk and a supervisor
designated by the Chief of Police.
2. A report of this inventory will be forwarded to the Chief of Police and the
Operations Bureau Captain.
D. The Office Administration Manager/Analyst shall conduct an inspection of the
Evidence and Property Storage Areas on a semi-annual basis.
1. The purpose of the inspection is to ensure the facilities are maintained in an
orderly manner and determine adherence to procedures used for the
control of property.
E. The Lieutenant of Professional Standards Division will conduct an annual audit
and inspection of the property storage area.
1. The audit will include the random comparison of records with the physical
property to ensure the validity of the inventory.
2. The sample size for this audit should be sufficient to ensure the accuracy of
the property control system and meet or exceed the requirements in the
Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies Standards for
Law Enforcement, Appendix K.
F. When any person associated with the evidence control center process changes, an
audit of property will be conducted by the new Property Clerk and a Chief of
Police designee to ensure that records are correct and properly annotated.
1. The audit will include all high risk property being held by the Department
and meet or exceed the requirements found in the Commission on
Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies Standards for Law
Enforcement, Appendix I.
2. This audit will be initiated within two weeks of the new employee's date of
3. The new Property Clerk will not receive unescorted security clearance to
the ECC until the property inventory is completed.
A. All property, including that which is evidence, found, abandoned or seized in
conjunction with any legal process, shall be disposed of according to applicable
laws and ordinances, primarily Wisconsin §66.0139 and Oshkosh City Ordinance
B. In cases where multiple parties express an ownership interest in the property, they
will be directed to the Circuit Court having jurisdiction to decide the matter under
Wisconsin §968.20. This notification should be made using Appendix E 142 Return
of Seized Property Form Letter.
C. Property, evidence, and contraband shall be disposed of in a timely manner when
they are no longer required to be held.
1. It is the responsibility of the investigating officer or Investigating
Detective/Investigator to notify the Property Clerks when property is no
longer needed for investigative reasons.
2. When evidence is no longer needed for prosecution, Property Clerks and
the District/City Attorney's Office shall communicate in writing to
determine the proper disposal of the property.
D. Evidence
1. Evidence may generally be disposed of 90 days after legal or investigative
requirements have been satisfied.
a. Investigative requirements include the expiration of the Statute of
Limitations for the crime to which the evidence is related.
b. Legal requirements include notification from the Court or the District
Attorney's Office of the conviction and final disposition of a case.
Unless directed otherwise, the item may be disposed of 90 days after
such notification. This allows for post-conviction appeals.
2. Extended retention is required for DNA evidence involving an arrest and
may be required in other cases by the Court or the District Attorney's
3. Evidence shall be returned to the lawful owner if known and if possession
of the item is not prohibited. If the item cannot be returned, it may be sold
at auction, converted to City use (Appendix 142 S) or destroyed.
E. Found Property
1. Found property shall be returned to the owner as soon as possible.
2. Found property, where the owner is unknown shall be handled in
accordance with Wisconsin Statutes 170.07 and 170.08
3. The Property Clerks shall make reasonable attempts to determine the owner
of property and notify the owner that their property is in the possession of
the Department. Notification may be made in person, by phone or by mail.
4. Arrangements will be made for the return of the property at reasonable
times by the Property Clerks. Once return of the property is accomplished,
it shall be noted in the File On Q and on the Property Form.
5. When the owner of property cannot be determined after 30 days the
property shall be considered abandoned and disposed of by selling it at
public auction in accordance with Ordinance 12-12, converting it to City use
(Appendix 142 S), or destruction. The finder of the property cannot claim it.
F. Sale at Public Auction
1. Items of value that are not contraband may be sold at public auction or
disposed of as arranged by the City's Director of General Services. For
disposal of property the Property Clerks shall make a list of items to be
disposed at public auction and forward that list to the City's Director of
General Services.
G. Conversion to City Use
1. In order to convert an item to City use, a written request (Appendix 142 B)
citing the justification for conversion must be made to the Chief of Police.
2. The Chief of Police may approve the conversion by signing the request.
The original approved request shall be maintained by the Administrative
Assistant to the Chief of Police. A copy of the approved request shall be
returned to the person initiating the request, to the Property Clerks, and to
the Property Manager for inventory purposes under Policy 104 Fiscal
3. The Oshkosh Police Department will not utilized seized or forfeited
weapons for department use.
H. Destruction
1. When an item of property cannot be auctioned, released or converted to
City use, the item shall be destroyed per Ordinance 12-12.
A. Controlled Substances
1. When notified that controlled substances are to be destroyed, the Property
Clerks will inspect the item to verify that the full evidence sealed containers
are intact. When items are not fully evidence sealed, the quantity of
controlled substance present shall be noted on the Property Form prior to
2. Narcotics and dangerous drugs shall be turned over to the Project Director
of the MEG Unit or incinerated under the observation of the Property Clerk
and at least one other Department employee. Prescription medications shall
be placed in the Drug Drop Box.
3. Prescription medications shall not be returned to any person without a
court order. Non-evidentiary prescription medications may be disposed
after 30 days.
B. Firearms
1. Firearms shall be disposed of in accordance with Wisconsin Statutes
66.0139, 165.81 and/or 968.20(3)(b).
2. When a firearm can be returned to its owner or released to a designated
party, and the owner has not contacted the Oshkosh Police Department to
claim the firearm, the Property Clerks will send a letter to the owner's last
known address giving 30 days notice to claim the firearm prior to its
3. The owner and/or designee must pass a records check prior to the return of
any firearms. This includes not being a felon or having any other legal
disqualifiers for possessing a firearm.
C. Taser Cartridges
1. If the Taser malfunctioned or was ineffective and/or if a higher level of force
was used in addition to deployment of the Taser, the cartridge, wires and
probes shall be packaged and entered into evidence using the proper
2. If the Taser functioned properly and a higher level of force was not used,
the Taser cartridge, wires and probes do not need to be packaged and
entered into evidence with supervisor approval. The following procedures
shall be adhered to:
a. After the probes have been removed, the Taser cartridge, wires and
probes shall be packaged together.
b. The officer shall wear a rubber glove on the hand holding the Taser
C. Put the sharp end of the probes into the cartridge so the sharp ends
are not accessible or visible.
d. Wrap the wires around the cartridge.
e. Remove the glove wrapping it around the Taser cartridge so the
entire unit is contained within the glove.
f. Dispose of the glove/Taser cartridge in the hazardous material
container located in the Evidence packaging room. This is not the
"sharps container". This is the only approved receptacle to discard
these items.
g. The Taser cartridge, wires and probes do not need to be logged into
the File-On-Q system.
J. Vehicles
1. Unclaimed vehicles shall be disposed of in accordance with Policy 206
Towing, Placarding, and Impounding of Vehicles, which includes sending a
certified letter to the owner's last known address giving 30 days notice to
claim the vehicle prior to disposal.
K. Cash
1. Cash that is subject to an asset forfeiture order shall be submitted as
evidence. Upon court order, the cash shall be turned over to the Office
Manager and processed according to terms of the order with the
appropriate share deposited in the Oshkosh Police Department asset
forfeiture account and any required share forwarded to the school fund per
Wisconsin Statute 961.55 and 973.075.
2. Cash that is subject to a contraband order shall be submitted as evidence.
Upon court order, the cash shall be turned over to the Office Manager and
processed according to terms of the order, with the full contraband amount
forwarded to the school fund.
3. Other cash, whether seized as evidence, recovered as found property, or
taken for safekeeping, shall be returned to its owner or otherwise processed
according to the provisions set forth in this policy. When the owner is
known and has not contacted the Oshkosh Police Department to claim the
cash, the Property Clerks will send a letter to the owner's last known
address giving 90 days notice to claim the cash prior to it being considered
abandoned. When the owner is unknown and the cash has remained
unclaimed for a period of 90 days, it will be considered abandoned. Any
cash deemed abandoned shall be turned over to the City of Oshkosh
Finance Department for deposit in the general fund.
L. Jewelry
1. When the owner is known and has not contacted the Oshkosh Police
Department to claim the jewelry, the Property Clerk shall send a letter to
the owner's last known address giving 30 days notice to claim the jewelry
prior to disposal.
M. Other Items
1. Other items of property shall be destroyed using a method appropriate to
the nature of the item.
A. Requests for the procurement and issuance of agency owned property shall be
submitted to the Office Manager who acts as the manager for all agency owned
property, equipment and other assets. The Office Manager shall maintain an
inventory of all Department owned property with a value of $500.00 or more, to
include, whenever possible, the following information per item:
1. A description of the individual item
2. The serial number of the item
3. City issued inventory number of the item (on items without a serial
B. Upon receipt of new property, the appropriate information will be added to the
inventory list. As property leaves control of the Department, the item will be
deleted from the inventory.
C. The Office Manager, with the assistance of the Bureau Captains, will conduct an
annual property inventory. The final report will be given to the Chief of Police
upon completion.
D. Facilitation of maintenance for proper operational readiness of all equipment shall
be the responsibility of the officer/bureau that the equipment is assigned to.
Bureau Captains will periodically inspect all stored equipment to ensure proper
E. Disposal of an agency owned inventoried property shall only occur with the
written approval of the Chief of Police. The record authorizing disposal shall be
kept by the Office Manager.
F. Upon the disposal of any agency inventoried property the Office Manager will be
A. The Oshkosh Police Department is a partner with the Lake Winnebago Area MEG
Unit, Winnebago County Health Department, Winnebago County Solid Waste
Department, and local pharmacies in providing a prescription drug drop box
where citizens can safely dispose of un-needed prescription medicines. The
prescription drug drop box is secured in the Oshkosh Police Department lobby
where it is accessible to the public and monitored by video cameras and front desk
B. The Office Administration Manager/Analyst shall maintain the key for the
prescription drug drop box and together with a sworn officer or Property Clerk
shall check the storage bin inside the drop box on a regular interval. When the
storage bin is full the Office Administration Manager/Analyst or Property Clerk
together with the second party shall remove the full bin from the drop box and
replace it with an empty bin. The full bin shall then be sealed, weighed, entered
into FileOnQ using a pre-determined report number, and secured in an approved
evidence storage area.
After several full bins have accumulated, the Office Administration
Manager/Analyst shall contact a representative at the Winnebago County Health
Department who will coordinate with the Lake Winnebago Area MEG Unit and
local pharmacies to sort through the bins and separate controlled from non-
controlled substances. Each bin will be weighed prior to sorting to ensure that it
weighs the same as it did when it was entered into evidence storage. During the
sorting process, controlled substances will be turned over to the MEG Unit for
disposal and non-controlled substances will be turned over to the Winnebago
County Solid Waste Department for disposal. The Office Administration
Manager/Analyst will be present during the sorting process and will make
appropriate entries into FileOnQ regarding the disposal of the prescription drugs.