HomeMy WebLinkAboutChapter 10 - Cemeteries City of Oshkosh Municipal Codes CHAPTER 10 CEMETERIES 10-1 CEMETERY CARE AND MAINTENANCE 10-2 WISCONSIN STATUTES ADOPTED 10-3 INVESTMENTS OF PERPETUAL CARE FUNDS SECTION 10-1 CEMETERY CARE AND MAINTENANCE The Director of Parks shall prescribe rules and regulations relating to interments in the cemetery and to the sale of lots, subject to approval of the Council. Whenever the Cemetery Foreman, under the direction and control of the Director of Parks, shall direct such work to be done, the work shall be done in accordance with the established rates or charges therefor. Said Foreman is further authorized to make the charges for such work a lien on the graves or lots affected thereby and such lien charges shall be paid by the lot owner at such time as the affected lots or graves are redeemed from the annual care charges. However, if such lots or graves are not redeemed by the owners and are sold pursuant to the policy and procedures heretofore adopted and authorized by the Wisconsin Statutes requiring annual care, and shall be sold to third persons after title acquired by the City, such special charges authorized by this Article shall not be included in the price charged such third person or persons. No person, religious society, or other associations whatever, shall lay out or establish any cemetery grounds, or use any lot, tract or parcel of land within the City for the burial of any dead person or persons, except such cemetery grounds as may be designated by the Common Council. No person excepting someone acting under the direction of the Cemetery Foreman shall dig any grave on such cemetery grounds. The Cemetery foreman shall keep a record of all graves dug showing the location thereof, the name of the person buried therein and the date of such burial. SECTION 10-2 WISCONSIN STATUTES ADOPTED Except as otherwise specifically provided, all provisions of Chapter 157 of the Wisconsin Statutes and all relevant provisions of the Wisconsin Administrative Code adopted pursuant thereto describing and defining regulations with respect to cemeteries are hereby adopted and by reference made a part of this Code as if fully set forth herein. It is the intention of this ordinance to include within such references all provisions in effect at the time of adoption of this section together with any applicable prior revisions and all future recodifications, renumberings and amendments unless otherwise expressly provided in such references. It is the intention of this section that any act required to be performed or prohibited by Chapter 157 of the Wisconsin Statutes or by the relevant provisions of the Wisconsin Administrative Code, as previously amended, presently in effect or as may be amended in the future, incorporated within this section by reference, is an act required to be performed or is an act prohibited by this section. City of Oshkosh Chapter 10 – Page 1 Municipal Codes City of Oshkosh Municipal Codes SECTION 10-3 INVESTMENTS OF PERPETUAL CARE FUNDS The Director of Finance is hereby authorized and directed to invest the perpetual care funds of said cemetery as provided in Chapter 320 of the Wisconsin Statutes. Upon making such purchases or sales as to the investments and reinvestment of such funds, the Director of Finance (City Treasurer) shall report same to the City Manager and City Council. City of Oshkosh Chapter 10 – Page 2 Municipal Codes