HomeMy WebLinkAboutChapter 23 - Solid Waste Disposal
City of Oshkosh Municipal Code
Revised 03/10/15
City of Oshkosh Chapter 23 – page 1Municipal Code
City of Oshkosh Municipal Code
Revised 03/10/15
The following definitions shall apply unless a different meaning appears from the context.
(A) "Appliance" means a residential or commercial air conditioner, clothes dryer, clothes washer,
dishwasher, freezer, microwave oven, oven, refrigerator or stove, residential and commercial
furnaces, boilers, dehumidifiers, and water heaters.
(B) "Bi-metal container" means a container for carbonated or malt beverage that is made primarily of a
combination of steel and aluminum.
(C) “Cart” means City of Oshkosh containers available through the Sanitation Division which are
collected by automated collection vehicles.
(D) “Electronics” includes but is not limited to: computers and computer peripherals, monitors, televisions
and other video display devices, fax machines, DVD and VCR players, printer, and cell phones.
State of Wisconsin DNR list of banned electronics to be the determining factor as to what can be
legally collected as solid waste.
(E) "Foam polystyrene packaging" means packaging made primarily from foam polystyrene that satisfies
one of the following criteria:
(1) Is designed for serving food or beverages;
(2) Consists of loose particles intended to fill space and cushion the packaged article in a
shipping container; or
(3) Consists of rigid materials shaped to hold and cushion the packaged article in a shipping
(F) "Garbage" means discarded materials resulting from the handling, processing, preparation, storage,
cooking and consumption of food, and discarded animal feces.
(G) "Hazardous substance" means any substance or combination of substances which may cause or
significantly contribute to an increase in mortality or an increase in serious irreversible or
incapacitating reversible illness or which may pose a substantial present or potential hazard to
human health or the environment. This term includes, but is not limited to, pesticides and
substances which are toxic, corrosive, flammable, irritants, strong sensitizers or explosives, as
determined by the Department of Natural Resources
(H) "Institutional" means a non-profit establishment for public use including but not limited to the
following: structures owned or operated by the county, state or federal government, or any
subdivision thereof, excluding property owned or operated by the City of Oshkosh; a University
school; hospital; church; or care facility for the elderly or disabled.
(I) "Medical waste" means infectious waste and those containers, packages and materials that contain
infectious waste or that are from a treatment area and are mixed with infectious waste.
(J) "Multiple dwelling” means residential structures with more than four dwelling units located within a
structure or a complex of structures with at least one structure in the complex consisting of more
than four dwelling units.
(K) "Plastic container" means an individual, separate, and rigid bottle, can, jar, or carton, made from
plastic, except for a blister pack as defined in Sec. 100.33(1)(c), Wis. Stats., as may be amended
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Revised 03/10/15
from time to time, that is originally used to contain a product that is the subject of retail sales defined
in Sec. 100.30(2)(h), Wis. Stats., as may be amended from time to time.
(L) "Recyclable material" means material in solid waste for which there exists a commercially
demonstrated processing or manufacturing technology which uses the material as a raw material.
(M) "Refuse" means all matters produced from industrial or community life, subject to decomposition, not
defined as sewage or wastewater. This term does not include appliances, stones, concrete, dirt,
plaster, tires, batteries, antifreeze, automotive engine waste oil, yard waste, building demolition
materials, and recyclables.
(N) "Residential" means (1) a structure consisting of no more than four dwelling units as that term is
defined within Chapter 30 of this code(2) a complex of structures with each structure in the complex
consisting of no more than 4 dwelling units, or (3) a condominium association.
(O) "Solid waste" means garbage, refuse, recyclable materials and all other discarded or salvageable
solid materials, including solid waste materials resulting from industrial, commercial, and agricultural
operations, and from domestic use and public service activities.
(P) "Yard waste" means leaves, grass clippings, yard and garden debris, and brush including clean
woody vegetative material no greater than three (3) inches in diameter. This term does not include
yard and garden debris and brush in excess of three (3) inches in diameter, stumps, roots, or shrubs
with intact root balls.
It is intended by this Chapter to establish regulations that reduce the amount of solid waste and other
disposables in landfills and thus protect the public health and welfare and the environment. It is further
intended by this Chapter to comply with mandatory recycling legislation and implementing regulations
enacted by the State of Wisconsin, including Chapter 159 of the Wisconsin Statutes as may be amended
from time to time. To the extent permitted by law, this Chapter is intended to serve as a municipal waste
flow control ordinance in conjunction with program activities of Winnebago County and its Solid Waste
Management Board. The provisions concerning recyclable materials are intended to become effective on
January 1, 1992, or as soon thereafter as Winnebago County can accept such materials. The City
administration may establish further regulations designating effective dates for particular areas of the City to
phase-in implementation of this chapter.
All occupants of buildings, both residential and non-residential, shall separate for recycling the following
materials as designated and publicized for recycling by the Director of Public Works:
Single Stream Blue Cart Items
(1) Aluminum containers
(2) Bi-Metal containers
(3) Corrugated paper or other container board
(4) Glass containers
(5) Magazines
(6) Newspapers
(7) Office paper
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Revised 03/10/15
(8) Plastic containers labeled by SPI (Society of the Plastics Industry) except those previously
used for storage of hazardous chemicals, motor oil, transmission fluid, or brake fluid
(9) Steel containers
Recyclable Items – Special Collection and/or Disposal Required
(1) Waste Oil - see Section 23-9(J)(1)
(2) Lead Acid Batteries - see Section 23-9(J)(2)
(3) Waste Tires - see Section 23-9(J)(2)
(4) Electronics - see Section 23-9(J)(3)
(5) Yard Waste - see Section 23-9(K)
(6) Major Appliance - see Section 23-9(L)(1)
The separation requirements of Section 23-3 do not apply to the following:
(A) Owners and Occupants of properties that send their post-consumer waste to a processing facility
licensed by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources that recovers the materials specified in
Section 23-3 from solid waste in as pure a form as is technically feasible.
(B) Solid Waste which is burned as a supplemental fuel at a facility if less than 30% of the heat input to
the facility is derived from the solid waste burned as a supplemental fuel.
(C) A recyclable material specified in Section 23-3 for which a variance has been granted by the
Department of Natural Resources under s. 159.11(2m), Wis Stats. or s. NR 544.14 Wis Admin. Code
To the greatest extent practicable, the recyclable materials separated in accordance with Section 23-3 shall
be clean and kept free of contaminants such as food or product residue, oil or grease, or other non-
recyclable materials, including but not limited to household hazardous waste, medical waste, and agricultural
chemical containers. Recyclable materials shall be stored in a manner which protects them from wind, rain,
and other inclement weather conditions.
No person may dispose of in a solid waste disposal facility or burn in a solid waste treatment facility any of
the materials specified in Section 23-3 which have been separated for recycling, except waste tires may be
burned with energy recovery in a solid waste treatment facility.
(A) Residential Areas
(1) Solid waste, with the exception of recyclable materials, shall be collected once a week from
residential dwelling units according to a schedule set by the City. The maximum volume of
refuse/garbage collected per dwelling unit shall be 96 gallons per week. The owner of each
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Revised 03/10/15
residential dwelling unit will be charged fees established by resolution on an annual basis by
the Common Council for the collection of refuse/garbage that exceeds a volume of 96 gallons
per week. In the case of mobile home parks, the owner of the mobile home park will be
charged the fees for each mobile home lot in the mobile home park that exceeds a volume of
96 gallons per week of refuse/garbage.
(2) Recyclable materials shall be collected from residential dwelling units according to a schedule
set by the City. The owner of each residential dwelling unit will be charged a fee billed
annually, established by resolution on an annual basis by the city council, for the collection of
recyclables. In the case of mobile home parks, the owner of the mobile home park will be
charged the same fee billed annually, for each mobile home lot contained in the mobile home
(3) (Repealed 10/01/12)
(4) Condominium associations, owners of residential units located in the downtown Business
Improvement District and owners of residential structures containing four (4) dwelling units may
elect not to have solid waste and recyclables collected by the City for the entire condominium
association or structure. Elections by condominium associations, owners of residential units
located in the downtown Business Improvement District and owners of residential structures
containing four (4) dwelling units are applicable to the entire condominium association or
structure and may not be made on an individual basis by dwelling unit.
If the condominium association, the owner of residential units located in the downtown
Business Improvement District or the owner of a residential structure containing four (4)
dwelling units elects not to have solid waste and recyclables collected by the City, the
association, the owner of residential units located in the downtown Business Improvement
District or the owner of the residential structure shall notify the Director of Public Works by
October 1 of the current year of their election not to receive collection.
If a condominium association, the owner of residential units located in the downtown Business
Improvement District, or the owner of a residential structure containing four (4) dwelling units
who has previously made an election not to have solid waste and recyclables collected by the
City elects to have collection of solid waste and recyclables by the City for the following year,
the association or owner of the structure shall notify the Director of Public Works by October 1
of the current year of their election to have collection done by the City for the following year(s).
(B) Multiple Dwelling Structures
(1) The City shall collect no solid waste or recyclable materials from multiple dwelling structures or
(2) Recyclable materials shall be kept separate from other solid waste.
(C) Commercial, Institutional and Industrial Units
(1) The City shall collect no solid waste or recyclable materials from commercial, institutional, and
industrial establishments.
(2) Recyclable materials shall be kept separate from other solid waste.
(A) Storage
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Revised 03/10/15
No persons shall store or permit to be stored upon property owned by them any garbage, recycling,
yard waste, refuse, or any container for any of these items in violation of this section.
(1) Storage shall be prohibited in the front yard of any building as defined by Chapter 30 of this
Municipal Code.
(2) Notwithstanding paragraph (A)(1) above, solid waste shall not be stored in the following
(a) On any side of a building that faces a public right-of-way except alleys.
(b) On, under, or alongside of a front porch, stoop, landing, accessible ramp, or deck fronting
on the public right-of-way, or
(c) Within 15 feet of the public right-of-way, except during collection time periods.
(3) Variance to this section may only be approved in writing by the Board of Public Works.
(4) No person shall store any garbage, recycling, yard waste, refuse or any container for any of
these items in violation of this section.
(5) Pursuant to State Statutes, a special charge for collection of any items may be imposed
against any parcel or property for any items placed within the terrace or public right-of-way
before or after scheduled collection periods.
(B) Collection
(1) All solid waste must be placed for collection on the terrace or at the edge of the roadway in the
public right-of-way area where no terrace exists.
(2) If the property owners sign a waiver and release, releasing the City from damage liability to
curbs, gutters, sidewalks and driveways, the City may collect solid waste from the following
private roadways: Kope Avenue, Cove Lane, Crimson Lane, Magnolia Avenue, Indigo Drive,
Virginian Street, Glenwood Drive, Glenway Drive, Glenwalk Drive, Glenview Lane, Glenshire
Lane, Glenkirk Lane, Glenhurst Lane, Glenbrook Lane, Glenayre Lane, Lakeview Court and the
private roadways within Lakeview Mobile Home Park. All solid waste must be placed for
collection on the edge of the private roadway.
(3) If the property owners sign a waiver and release, releasing the City from damage liability to
curbs, gutters, sidewalks and driveways, the City may collect solid waste from private
driveways in condominium associations. All solid waste must be placed for collection on the
edge of the private driveway.
(4) Solid waste shall not be placed out for collection before 4 o'clock p.m. of the day preceding a
regularly scheduled pick-up or a previously announced date for collection of solid waste
materials. Carts shall be returned by the persons to the point of storage within twelve (12)
hours after collection. Carts must be set out by 7:00 a.m. on the day of collection. A collection
charge and administrative fee per occurrence will be assessed when the City must return to
collect a cart set out after the regularly scheduled collection has occurred; the amount charged
to each lot or parcel of land shall be charged to the owner of the property and if not paid shall
be assessed against the real estate as a special charge pursuant to State Statutes.
(C) Solid Waste Cart Placement Requirements
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Revised 03/10/15
(1) Carts shall be placed within one (1) foot of the curb or edge of pavement with the arrow on the
lid facing the street. Area’s that have no terrace should place their cart at the house edge of
the sidewalk.
(2) There must be at least three (3) feet of space between the cart and other objects i.e.: trees,
poles, mailboxes, plantings, or parked cars.
(3) Carts that cannot be collected without causing possible damage to property or vehicles will not
be collected until the resident corrects the problem(s).
(4) Carts must remain at ground level. During winter months, residents will need to clear an area
at the curb or driveway apron for cart placement. Carts placed on top of snow banks will not
be collected.
(A) All garbage shall be drained and wrapped in paper and kept in carts issued by the Sanitation
(B) (Repealed 1/9/07)
(C) No rear loaded containers (dumpsters) shall be allowed with the exception of Municipal Properties.
(D) (Repealed 10/01/12)
(E) Recyclables
(1) Containers
All residential dwelling units; multiple family units; commercial, institutional, and industrial
establishments shall separate the containers and packaging materials designated under
Section 23-3 for recycling.
If the unit or establishment receives collection from the City, these materials shall be placed at
the street in accordance with the rules, procedures, and schedules specified by the Board of
Public Works.
(2) Paper Materials
All residential dwelling units; multiple family units; commercial, institutions, and industrial
establishments shall separate the materials designated under Section 23-3 for recycling.
If the unit or establishment receives collection from the City, the paper materials specified
above shall be placed at the street in accordance with the rules, procedures, and schedules
specified by the Board of Public Works.
(3) If such materials are not properly prepared for collection or are commingled with other
acceptable solid waste materials placed for collection, subparagraph (O) will apply.
(F) Cart Exemption Program
(1) Residents that are physically unable to place their cart(s) at the curb, may apply for an
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(2) Residents must submit proof of their medical or other condition that does not allow them to
bring their cart(s) to the curb. Exemption forms may be obtained by contacting the Sanitation
Division. Forms must be signed by the medical provider and returned to the Sanitation Division
Office. Medical exemptions must be renewed annually.
(3) Exempt Residents must keep a clear pathway to the cart during inclement weather, and secure
any animals on the property during collections.
(G) (RESERVED) (Repealed 4/14/09)
(H) Ashes shall be placed in plastic bags not less than two (2) mil thickness. No more than twenty-five
(25) pounds of ashes shall be placed in each bag.
(I) Animal feces shall be properly disposed of by wrapping in paper and then placing it in a suitable
plastic disposable bag not less than two (2) mil thickness. No more than twenty-five (25) pounds of
animal waste shall be placed in a bag.
(J) Stones, concrete, dirt, tires, batteries, antifreeze, medical waste, hazardous substances electronics,
and automotive engine waste oil are not allowed in the solid waste stream and will not be picked up.
Any cart with such prohibited materials will not be collected.
(1) Disposal of automotive engine waste oil, which shall be free of all contaminants, solvents,
hazardous materials, etc., shall be permitted at City-designated collection sites. No person
residing outside the City limits shall bring into the City and dispose at any City-designated
collection site any automotive engine waste oil.
(a) As used in this section: automotive engine oil means any oil to be used in the engine or
crankcase of a motor vehicle; engine waste oil means automotive engine oil after it is
used and removed from the engine or crankcase of a motor vehicle but before that oil is
recycled; motor vehicle means any vehicle propelled by an internal combustion engine
and includes any automobile, truck, bus, motorcycle, snowmobile, or vehicle which
travels on or off roads or highways.
(2) Lead Acid Batteries/Waste Tires shall be taken to a vendor or other establishment capable of
properly processing these items. A list of vendors or other establishments shall be established
and made available to the public through the office of the Sanitation Division of the Department
of Public Works.
(3) Electronics includes but is not limited to: computers and computer peripherals, monitors,
televisions and other video display devices, fax machines, DVD and VCR players, printers, and
cell phones. As of September 1, 2010, electronics were banned from Wisconsin landfills and
are not allowed in the waste stream. Electronics must be recycled through local vendors or the
Winnebago County Landfill Drop off Site. The City will not collect these items at the curb. See
the State of Wisconsin, Bureau of Waste and Materials Management, Wisconsin Department
of Natural Resources for an updated list of electronics to be recycled.
(K) Yard waste, except brushas outlined below, shall not be allowed in the solid waste stream and will
not be collected. Such waste shall be deposited only at the City-designated collection site. Such
waste shall be deposited loose and only during the hours posted at the collection site. The collection
site may be used after purchasing a permit for the yearly fee established by the Common Council as
part of the budget process. Brush may be set out for collection once per month, provided it is
prepared for collection as outlined in this Chapter, and may also be deposited at the City-designated
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collection site as yard waste. Twigs and hedge trimmings may be set out for collection at the same
time as brush collection provided that such items are placed within biodegradable paper bags. Yard
waste which is brought to the drop off center shall not exceed six (6) inches in diameter and/or six
(6) feet in length. All yard waste being transported to the drop off center must be properly secured
with a tarp. The deposit of stumps, stones, and dirt shall be prohibited at the drop off center.
Private tree care or gardening/landscape contractors shall be prohibited from using the drop off
center. Brush with stems less than three (3) inches in diameter shall be tied in bundles that do not
exceed four (4) feet in length and fifty (50) pounds in weight.
(L) Items Requiring Special Prepaid Fees for Collection:
(1) Appliances and other items containing metal which include but are not limited to engines, car
parts, swing sets, piping, springs, lawn mowers, and bicycles which require special
arrangements for pick-up must be kept separate from all other solid waste. No person,
property owner, or occupant or person in charge of the property shall place such items for pick-
up and disposal by the City unless the person has previously arranged for a special pick-up of
such items by payment in person to the City Treasurer at City Hall. Fees will be established by
(2) Large items, which include but are not limited to: mattresses, box springs, hide-a-beds,
upholstered furniture such as couches, davenports, love seats, recliners, chairs, kitchen and
dining room tables, desks, entertainment centers and other entertainment consoles, dressers,
vanities, chest-of-drawers and similar furniture, head boards and objects larger than three-foot
by three-foot by three-foot, which require special arrangements for pick-up must be kept
separate from all other solid waste. No person, property owner, or occupant or person in
charge of the property shall place such items for pick-up and disposal by the City unless the
person has previously arranged for a special pick-up of such items by payment in person to the
City Treasurer at City Hall. Fees will be established by resolution.
(M) The owners of the collection carts shall keep them clean and in a sanitary condition. Maintenance
and repair of all carts used for the collection of solid waste shall be the responsibility of the owner.
(N) The owner of the property shall be responsible for maintaining the recyclable area. The owner shall
keep the area free of any junk, litter, debris or other condition. If other materials are mixed with
recyclable materials in a dumpster or otherwise, the material shall be tagged and left on site. The
owner of the property shall be responsible to either dispose of the materials or to separate the
materials into recyclable and non-recyclable materials for proper pickup at the next scheduled pickup
(O) If solid waste is not prepared according to the provisions of this Chapter, or is not placed in suitable
carts (issued by the Sanitation Division) or location or if a cart is damaged, employees of the
Sanitation Divisionshall "tag" these carts and collection shall not be made until the condition is
remedied in compliance with this ordinance.
(1) Owners or designated agents of multiple dwelling structures shall do all of the following in
compliance with this ordinance:
(a) Provide adequate, separate containers for the recyclable materials;
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Revised 03/10/15
(b) Educate all tenants as to the requirements of this chapter. The owner shall be
responsible to notify tenants initially upon move-in and semi-annually thereafter of the
requirements of this ordinance.
(c) Provide for the collection of the materials separated from the solid waste by the users,
tenants and occupants and the delivery of the materials to a recycling facility;
(d) Notify users, tenants, and occupants of reasons to reduce and recycle, which materials
are collected, how to prepare materials in order to meet the processing requirements,
collection methods or sites, locations and hours of operation, and a contact person or
company, including a name, address and telephone number.
(2) The requirements specified in (1) do not apply to the owners or designated agents of non-
residential facilities and properties if the post-consumer waste generated within the facility or
property is treated at a processing facility licensed by the Department of Natural Resources
that recovers for recycling the materials specified in Section 23-3 from solid waste in as pure a
form as is technically feasible.
(3) The owner of rental property shall be responsible for violations of this chapter occurring on
rental property.
(1) Owners or designated agents of non-residential facilities and properties shall do all of the
following in compliance with this ordinance:
(a) Provide adequate, separate containers for the recyclable materials;
(b) Educate all tenants as to the requirements of this chapter. The owner shall be
responsible to notify tenants initially upon move-in and semi-annually thereafter of the
requirements of this ordinance.
(c) If collection is not provided by the City, provide for the collection of the materials
separated from the solid waste by the users, tenants, and occupants and the delivery of
the materials to a recycling facility;
(d) Notify users, tenants, and occupants of reasons to reduce and recycle, which materials
are collected, how to prepare materials in order to meet the processing requirements,
collection methods or sites, locations and hours of operation, and a contact person or
company, including a name, address and telephone number.
(2) The requirements specified in (1) do not apply to the owners or designated agents of non-
residential facilities and properties if the post-consumer waste generated within the facility or
property is treated at a processing facility licensed by the Department of Natural Resources
that recovers for recycling the materials specified in Section 23-3 from solid waste in as pure a
form as is technically feasible.
(3) The owner of rental property shall be responsible for violations of this chapter occurring on
rental property.
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(A) No person shall throw, place or deposit any garbage or rubbish in any street, alley, public place, or
private property within the city limits except in garbage containers or in rubbish containers as herein
(B) No person shall throw, place or deposit any garbage or rubbish in any garbage containers or rubbish
containers not owned by them without permission or authorization of the owner of those containers.
Where solid waste is privately collected, it shall be the responsibility of the property owner to keep records of
its disposal, including the identification of the collector, the amount of solid waste collected, the amount or
percentage of recyclables collected, and disposal site.
Where recyclable materials are privately collected, it shall be the responsibility of the owner to assure that
recyclable materials are properly delivered to a recycling processing facility or end user of recyclables and to
keep all records as needed to document and otherwise comply with state and local regulations.
All records required to be kept under this chapter shall be provided to the Director of Public Works on an
annual basis, on or before February 15th each year.
(A) No person residing outside the City limits shall bring into the City for disposal any garbage, rubbish or
other items of a combustible or noncombustible nature.
(B) Any person violating the provisions of this Section shall be assessed the actual costs incurred by the
City for proper disposal together with an administrative charge. The imposition and collection of any
forfeiture prescribed by this Chapter shall not bar the right of the City to collect the costs of disposal
as herein provided.
For the purpose of ascertaining compliance with the provisions of this ordinance, any authorized officer,
employee or representative of the City of Oshkosh may inspect recyclable materials separated for recycling,
post-consumer waste intended for disposal, recycling collection sites and facilities, collection vehicles,
collection areas of multiple family dwellings and non-residential facilities and properties, and any records
relating to recycling activities which shall be kept confidential when necessary to protect proprietary
information. No person may refuse access to any authorized officer, employee, or representative of the City
of Oshkosh who requests access for purposes of inspection, and who presents appropriate credentials. No
person may obstruct, hamper, or interfere with such an inspection.
The Police Department, through its Chief, and the Public Works Department, through its Director, acting in
concert, shall regulate the dumping, depositing, or placing of trash, brush, yard waste, or any other solid
waste or recyclables on and within any land or place within the City. Any land or place designated as
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dumping grounds, or drop off site for any material including recyclables shall be published by the erection of
signs in conspicuous places on such grounds, containing suitable instructions to the public.
Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this Chapter or of any Section thereof, shall, upon
conviction thereof, be punished by the forfeitures set forth, together with the costs of prosecution, and in
default of payment thereof, by imprisonment in the County Jail for a period not to exceed sixty (60) days.
Each violation shall constitute a separate offense.
(A) Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this Chapter or of any Section thereof, shall,
upon conviction thereof, be punished by a forfeiture of not less than $75.00 nor more than $1000.00.
(B) Any person age 16 and under who shall violate any of the provisions of this Chapter or of any
Section thereof, shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a forfeiture of not less than $50.00
nor more than $1000.00.
(C) No violation for storage of recycling or refuse containers under Section 23-8 may be considered
under this chapter unless the person/property owner has received a written warning for the violation.
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